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Recommendations of Using Cheques


Dear Customers using Cheque Services,
            As at present, cheque fraud cases are quite prevalent in Thailand resulting in losses to customers as well as banks. In order to prevent such risk, cheque users are requested to exercise prudence when issuing cheques by avoiding making any changes/corrections on the cheques. Effective from 1st February 2019 onwards, altered cheques must be deposited at the respective issuing bank only.


Recommendations in Using Cheques

Cheque Payer:
1. Exercise carefulness in writing cheque without altering any messages/figures on the cheque in order to prevent fraudulent cheque alternations.
2. Keep cheques in a safe place and notify the bank immediately upon losing any cheques.

Cheque Holders:
1. Examine the cheque each time upon receiving it and do not accept any cheques with altered message/figures.
2. In the case of having accepted a cheque with altered messages/figures, ask the cheques payer to issue a new cheque or cash the cheque only at the issuing bank.
3. Avoid folding cheques or causing any damages to cheques as it would render the cheques ineligible for collection process.
4. Should there be any question regarding returned cheque, please contact issuing bank’s branch.

Recommendations of Using Cheques
