• Get started with Payroll service - Instructions for using Payroll Service • Download and Install Software to get started - .Net Framework Version 3.5 - ICBC (Thai) Client Encryption (Please contact Relationship Manager of ICBC(Thai)) - User’s Guide for Download & Installation - User’s Guide for using ICBC (Thai) Client Encryption
• Download Excel Template file for Data input, Please choose the Template file For ICBC(Thai) recipient accounts - Salary payment in THB - Input the amount in CNY for payment to CNY accounts - Input the amount in THB for payment to CNY accounts
• Download Template file for creating summary of transfer instruction (Electronic Instruction Note), Please choose the Template file For ICBC(Thai) recipient accounts - Salary payment in THB - Input the amount in CNY for payment to CNY accounts - Input the amount in THB for payment to CNY accounts
• Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Electronics Service of the Bank
• New payroll time service in 3 times; 1. Payroll transaction approve before 06:30 am. the transaction will process on 09:00 am. 2. Payroll transaction approve before 13:00 pm. the transaction will process on 15:00 pm. 3. Payroll transaction approve before 18:30 pm. the transaction will process on 21:00 pm. Anyway if the transaction approve time after 18:30 pm. the transaction will be process on nextday morning, for the reserve payroll transaction the transaction will be processed on the reserve date morning.